Comparative Topographical Description of the Central Nervous System of the Macaw (Ara ararauna) and the Owl (Tyto furcata)
compração cerebro arara coruja
SUMMARY: The study of animal neurology has historically focused on the closest descendants of humans, such as monkeys
and chimpanzees. Because of this, the neurology of birds remains poorly studied and understood by humans compared to other
groups of animals. Thus, the objective was to describe the central nervous system to better understand its functioning, correlating
the findings with the role it plays in the physiology and biology of birds, comparing species with different behaviors between
herbivores and carnivores, filling gaps in the literature serving as subsidy for future research.
KEY WORDS: Birds. Brain. Nervous system.ÇÕES CIENTÍFICAS IBIMMcompração cerebro arara coruja SUMMARY: The study of animal neurology has historically focused on the closest descendants of humans, such as monkeys and chimpanzees. Because of this, the neurology of birds remains poorly studied and understood by humans compared to other groups of animals. Thus, the objective was to describe the central...IBIMMIBIMM INSTITUTO DE BIOLOGIA MARINHA E MEIO