First case of the pigo-ischio-cephalopago deformation in a neonate of a gallube shark (Squalus acanthias- Linnaeus -1758) captured in Peruíbe, south coast of São Paulo, in the Cananeia -Iguape-Peruíbe environmental protection area – APACIP and Jureia-Itatins Mosaic Conservation Units -SP
deformação pigo isquiofago tubarão squalus
Connatural alterations can be deformations or malformations discovered in the embryonic
development phase of the animal, which can disguise structures or roles of the systems.
Congenital disorders can range from small changes, slight changes, serious adulterations
and also genetic inconsistencies. There are no apparent defined reasons, and these
changes may be caused by environmental and genetic factors. Pigopagus twins are joined
deformação pigo isquiofago tubarão squaluand obligatorily separate spinal cord and always with
sharing of the pelvic bones. The ischiopagus are united by the ventral region from the
navel to the pelvis, two sacrum and two pubic symphysis, in addition to a single
gastrointestinal tract and a varied number of limbs. Reporting and discussing the
morphological and anatomical deformities presented in a species of Squalus acanthias,
recorded by LOPES in 2020, is a big step to better understand the anatomy and physiology
of animals, which are considered the top of the food chain in the oceans and are in serious
trouble. risk of extinction.
Keywords: Siamese twins, diprosopia, two heads, squalus acanthias, deformations.ÇÕES CIENTÍFICAS IBIMMÚLTIMAS NOTÍCIAS !!! deformação pigo isquiofago tubarão squalus ABSTRACT Connatural alterations can be deformations or malformations discovered in the embryonic development phase of the animal, which can disguise structures or roles of the systems. Congenital disorders can range from small changes, slight changes, serious adulterations and also genetic inconsistencies. There are no apparent defined reasons, and these changes...IBIMMIBIMM INSTITUTO DE BIOLOGIA MARINHA E MEIO